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Summer Pregnancy Tips: 10 Ways to Safely Have Fun in the Sun

Summer is a time for sun, fun, and relaxation! But for pregnant women, it can also be a time of heightened concern.

With the temperature soaring and the sun beating down, expectant mothers should be proactive in staying cool, comfortable, and safe during warmer months.

With this in mind, we've put together a list of 10 summer pregnancy tips to help you safely enjoy the season. Whether you're spending time at the beach, pool or just soaking up the sun in your backyard, these tips will help you make the most of your summer while keeping you and your baby healthy and happy.


1. Hydrate All Day

Staying hydrated during pregnancy is always important, but it becomes even more crucial during the hot summer. Dehydration can lead to a host of issues, including:

  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Swelling
  • Preterm contractions
  • Dizziness
  • And even premature labor

Experts recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water a day to stay properly hydrated, but pregnant women may need more. Aim for 10-12 glasses a day. To achieve this goal, it's a good idea to carry a water bottle wherever you go, the biggest one you can find!

The Best Hydration Drinks for Pregnancy:

  • Water! We can't recommend it enough, but we understand many women feel like changing it up occasionally.

  • Coconut water. Coconut water is a natural electrolyte-rich drink that can help replenish fluids and minerals lost through sweating.

  • Fruit juice. Freshly squeezed fruit juice is a good source of vitamins and minerals, but be cautious of added sugars and choose 100% fruit juice.

  • Vegetable juice. Fresh vegetable juices like carrot, cucumber, and beetroot provide hydration and essential vitamins and minerals.

  • Sports drinks. Sports drinks should be distinct from energy drinks, which you should try to avoid. Sports beverages are created to provide hydration and replenish electrolytes, benefiting both the mother and the developing baby. However, reaching for the zero-sugar option might be in your best interest.

Quick Tips on How to Stay Hydrated During Pregnancy

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day, aiming for at least 10-12 cups daily.

  • Avoid or limit caffeinated and sugary drinks, such as soda, coffee, and tea.

  • Consume foods with high water content such as fruits and vegetables (e.g., watermelon, oranges, cucumbers, and celery).

  • Always keep a water bottle with you, especially when exercising or on the go.

  • Monitor urine color: Pale yellow or clear urine is a good indication of adequate hydration.

2. Choose Light and Breathable Clothing

Dressing for the heat during pregnancy can be a challenge. Pregnant women should wear loose, breathable clothing to stay comfortable during the hottest summer months. Breathable cotton, linen, and bamboo fabrics are ideal for keeping cool. Light colors also help to reflect sunlight and keep you cooler than darker colors.

Your clothes should keep you cool but also provide support. Look for maternity wear with adjustable straps or waistbands to accommodate your growing belly. Avoid tight-fitting clothing or anything that may restrict your movement or cause discomfort.

Finally, remember to accessorize! A wide-brimmed hat or lightweight scarf can provide extra protection from the sun's rays while adding a stylish touch to your look.

3. Wear Comfortable Footwear

Comfortable footwear during pregnancy is essential for all seasons, especially during summer, when swelling and discomfort are more common due to the heat. Proper footwear can also help prevent falls and other injuries, which can be particularly dangerous during pregnancy.

As you select shoes for summer, opt for flats or low-heeled sandals that provide ample support for your feet and ankles. Avoid high heels or shoes with narrow or pointy toes, which can exacerbate swelling and discomfort.

If you're experiencing much foot pain or swelling regardless of proper footwear, consider investing in orthotic inserts or compression socks to provide additional support and reduce discomfort.

Quick Tips on How to Reduce Swelling During Pregnancy

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

  • Limit salt intake.

  • Avoid processed foods that are high in sodium.

  • Elevate your feet whenever possible, especially while sitting or lying down.

  • Take frequent breaks to walk around and stretch your legs.

  • Wear compression stockings or socks to support circulation and reduce swelling.

  • Exercise regularly with low-impact activities like walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga.

4. Elevate Your Feet to Reduce Swollen Ankles

Swelling in the feet and ankles is common during pregnancy, no matter the season, but especially in the summer when temperatures are high. Elevating your feet is an easy way to reduce swelling and discomfort.

When you elevate your feet, you are helping to drain built-up fluid from your lower extremities. Elevating your feet helps reduce swelling and can provide relief from soreness and pain. It's important to keep your legs above the level of your heart; try propping them up on pillows or a footstool while sitting or lying down. Aim for 20 minutes twice a day, but if the swelling is more severe, you may need to increase this amount of time.

Compression stockings can also help with swelling by providing gentle pressure on the legs and aiding venous return. Make sure not to wear them too tightly, which can cause further discomfort. Additionally, avoid standing or sitting for long periods because this can cause increased swelling in the feet and ankles.

5. Make Exercise Fun!

Pregnancy doesn't have to mean giving up your favorite exercise routine! Just be sure you're doing it safely.

  • Swimming is an excellent form of exercise for pregnant women. The water supports your body weight and helps keep you cool in the summer heat.

  • Walking outdoors can also be a great way to get fresh air and sunshine while staying active. Just remember to wear sunscreen, a hat and stay hydrated!

  • Prenatal yoga classes offer structured training to help you stay fit without putting too much strain on your body.

  • Low-impact aerobics classes are also a good option for getting your heart rate up without overdoing it.

No matter what kind of exercise you choose, make sure it's something that feels comfortable and enjoyable for you. That way, you'll likely stick with it throughout your pregnancy!

6. Wear Sunscreen (SPF 30+)

pregnant woman enjoying her summerWearing sunscreen is an important part of protecting yourself and your baby from the harmful effects of UV rays. Sunscreen helps protect against skin cancer, sunburns, and premature aging. It also helps reduce the risk of congenital disabilities caused by too much exposure to the sun.

As you choose a sunscreen for pregnancy, look for one that offers broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays. Choose a product with an SPF of at least 30, and ensure it's water-resistant if you plan to swim or sweat heavily. Reapply every two hours or after swimming or sweating heavily.

You can also protect your skin by wearing protective clothing such as hats, sunglasses, and long sleeves.

7. Select Refreshing Foods

One of the best parts of summer is all the delicious fruits and vegetables that are in season! Eating fresh and colorful produce can help you stay hydrated and energized throughout pregnancy.

Fruits like cantaloupe, honeydew, and oranges are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals. Vegetables like tomatoes, bell peppers, and leafy greens are refreshing summer snacks. You can also incorporate these into salads or smoothies for an extra boost of nutrition.

Choosing foods high in water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, and strawberries, can help you stay hydrated while you snack!

8. Remove Rings

The heat and humidity can cause fingers and toes to swell during pregnancy, so it’s best to remove any rings or jewelry that may become uncomfortable as your body changes shape throughout your pregnancy journey.

9. Take Breaks in Air-Conditioned Spaces

Taking breaks in air-conditioned spaces can help pregnant women stay comfortable and reduce the risk of heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Not to mention you'll feel a lot more relaxed!

Never underestimate the power of resting in a nice air-conditioned space.

10. Don’t Forget the Bug Spray

Everyone's favorite part of summer; bugs! Bug spray is one of the most important things to remember if you are pregnant during summer. Mosquitoes and other bugs can carry diseases thatmay be dangerous for pregnant women and their unborn babies. Not to mention pregnant women tend to have a higher body temperature due to all their hormones, which can make them more appealing to mosquitos.

It's also essential to use a safe bug spray for pregnant women. Look for products with DEET or picaridin as active ingredients, which are considered safe for pregnant women. Be sure to apply the bug spray generously and often, especially if you're spending time outdoors.

In addition to using bug spray, it's also important to wear long sleeves and pants outside to protect yourself from bites. If possible, avoid areas where mosquitoes are known to be present, such as standing water or heavily wooded areas. These steps will help keep you and your baby safe from mosquito-borne illnesses during your summer pregnancy.



Summer can be a wonderful time for expectant mothers to enjoy the great outdoors, but it's important to take precautions to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy. From staying hydrated and wearing comfortable clothing to protecting your skin and choosing appropriate footwear, there are many ways to stay cool and comfortable during the hot summer months.

By following these ten summer pregnancy tips, you can safely enjoy all the joys of summer while ensuring the health and safety of you and your growing baby.

Have questions about your pregnancy? Request an appointment with our doctors or call our office at 262-544-4411.

Check out these other helpful pregnancy resources and tips from our caring and experienced OBGYNs:

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