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Common Reasons You May Have Breast Pain


Breast pain (mastalgia) is something most women will experience in their lifetime. There are many causes for breast pain, most of which are benign, meaning not serious and will resolve.  However, it’s important to pay attention to your body’s signals.  If you are concerned, it is best to talk to your doctor. If you feel a breast lump, accompanied by pain or not, you should see your doctor for an evaluation.  

Two Types of Breast Pain 

Most causes of breast pain result from hormonal changes with your menstrual cycle. This type of pain is called cyclic and intensifies during the two weeks leading up to the start of your menstrual period. The pain usually eases up after your period ends. Cyclic pain may be accompanied by breast swelling, fullness, or lumpiness. Some describe the pain as dull, aching, or a heavy feeling.  

The second type of breast pain is called noncyclic and is not related to the menstrual cycle. Noncyclic pain is usually felt by women who have experienced menopause. This type of pain usually affects one breast, is felt in a localized area, and may spread more diffusely across the breast. This pain can be felt constantly or intermittently and is often described as tight, burning, stabbing, or aching.  


Transgender people and men can also experience breast pain. For transgender women, the pain is usually caused by hormone therapy. In transgender men it may be caused by a minimal amount of breast tissue that remains after a mastectomy.  

Weight Gain 

Weight gain can cause breast painIt may be surprising to know that breast pain could be a result of weight gain!  

If you recently have gained weight and experience breast pain, losing the extra weight may be all that’s needed to eliminate the pain, although, that is easier said than done.   

If you struggle with weight loss, read up on what is considered "healthy food" and even with healthy eating, why you may still be gaining weight, or ask one of our providers for weight loss help at your next wellness exam.

Bra Size 

Breast Pain can come from ill-fitting braA poor-fitting and unsupportive bra can be the culprit of breast pain. Getting properly measured and fit for a bra is important.  There are many local retailers that offer bra fittings.

Breast Injury 

Breast tissue can be injured like any other part of your body.  Pain could result from a previous accident, playing sports, or breast surgery. If you experience a breast injury, you can expect to feel pain and tenderness that can linger up to several weeks after the trauma. What feels like breast pain could also be coming from your chest wall.  A pulled muscle, inflammation around the ribs, and bone fracture can cause pain.  

Breast Surgery 

If you had breast augmentation surgery or breast implants, you may experience pain as scar tissue forms too tightly around the implants. Talk to your doctor if you had surgery and are experiencing pain. 


Breastfeeding can also be the source of breast pain. Improper latching can cause painful nipples. When the milk starts to flow, called let down, some women feel pain or tingling. It is best to consult a lactation consultant or your doctor if you are experiencing pain with feeding. Breastfeeding women are likely to experience a breast infection known as mastitis. Mastitis is easily treated but needs a health care provider's attention to treat.

If you have a fever and symptoms in one breast including pain, redness, and swelling it is important to see your doctor. Mastitis can occur in non-breastfeeding women but is rare.  


Getting a proper exam can help diagnose breast painBreast cysts are fluid-filled lumps in the breastThey often resolve on their own but any new breast mass should be evaluated by a physician.  

Breast Cancer 

It is unusual for breast cancer to cause pain, but it is possible. If you have severe or persistent pain or a new lump in your breast, you should be checked by a health care provider.  A quick breast check appointment can be scheduled with a provider to offer peace of mind.  Keeping up on your regular wellness exam with your Morland OB-GYN is important.  A manual breast exam performed by a trained provider and mammography are the gold standard in breast cancer screening. 

Self-breast exams are no longer routinely recommended; however, it is important that you have “breast awareness.”  Breast awareness is knowing what your breasts look and feel like so that if they change, you can seek medical care.  

Report any breast changes to your healthcare team and call if you are concerned about the pain or symptoms. As always, it is Moreland OB-GYN’s goal to lead women to better health. 

At Moreland OB-GYN, we specialize in women’s health care and prioritize the needs of our patients at all ages and stages of life. We hope you’ll connect with us to answer your questions and we hope you’ll turn to our experts as a trusted source for information.

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