It is a good idea to make a practice trip to the hospital at some time before actually going into labor. This way you can make sure you know the correct roads and how long the drive takes. The hospital will give you a tour of their labor and delivery area and show you where in the hospital you should go when you arrive for your child’s birth.
Tours are done during the birthing classes but you can also call to set up a tour (if you are not taking a class) on your own if you would like. Contact the main hospital line at 262-928-1000 (Waukesha Memorial Hospital) or 262-569-9400 (Oconomowoc Memorial Hospital), and ask to speak with the birthing center. You can also take a virtual tour online at
If you have other children, you might want to make arrangements ahead of time for someone to watch them when you go to the hospital for the delivery.
What Will I Need to Bring With Me to the Hospital?
Sometime during the month before your due date, you might want to pack a suitcase of things, to take with you to the hospital.
Some of the things you may want to bring are:
Phone: 262-544-4411
Fax: 262-650-3856
7:30 am – 6:00 pm
7:30 am – 4:00 pm